KENP Read for KU Royalty Calculator

Use the KENP calculator to estimate how much royalty you'll earn from pages read through Kindle Unlimited.


Dec 2022 US Rate = $0.004561577/KENP Page
We predict a 1% decrease in US KENP rate for December 2022
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Historical Amazon US KENP Rates

How is KENP royalty calculated?

This KENP read calculator converts your pages read count on Kindle Unlimited into royalty dollars. We multiply the number of KENP pages read (entered above) by the latest available marketplace KENP rate to estimate your estimated earnings.

It’s important to note that Amazon has different KENP rates depending on the marketplace. That means the royalty from KENP read in the US (.com) marketplace will be different from the royalty from a KENP read in the UK ( marketplace – same goes for all international marketplaces (CA, DE, FR, MX, IN, AU, JP, BR, IT, ES). So if most of your KU readers are from non-US markets, you should change the marketplace to where most of your readers are. The currency converter above still uses the US marketplace rate but converts the value to the local currency you select based on the latest conversion exchange rate.

How do I estimate my KENP earnings from Kindle Unlimited?

Our KU earnings estimator calculator will let you accurately predict your earnings from KENP read across all marketplaces, and convert it to your preferred currency. Here is a rundown of feature and options you can set:

  • Enter your KENP Read
    Enter the total number of KENP you want to estimate the royalty value of.
  • Select your Amazon marketplace
    Each international Amazon marketplace has a different KENP rate, meaning a page read in US will pay a different amount from a page read in CA. Select the marketplace you want to estimate the earnings for.
  • Adjust KENP rate estimates
    By default, we use the most recent KENP rates for each marketplace. However, KENP rate differ from month to month – so you can use our slider to anticipate a -10% drop or a +10% increase in KENP rate.
  • Convert to your preferred currency
    By default, we show the estimated earnings from KENP in the local marketplace rate. Meaning if you select as your marketplace, the royalty estimates will be provided in Indian Rupees. You can select another currency to automatically convert local currencies to your preferred currency based on a recent currency exchange rate.

Calculate your actual royalties from KENP automatically

Amazon recalculates its KENP rates every month and does a terrible job of presenting and estimating your earnings in their reports dashboard. Adding up the KENP read in each marketplace to estimate your earnings is a tedious process that takes up a lot of time but is crucial for budgeting. Publishwide automatically pulls your KDP KENP read data for each marketplace and estimates your earnings based on the latest reported rates – giving you a live accurate estimate of your earnings.

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